Fifth Day: "The Lord is my SHEPHERD."
David knew how he loved his sheep, and so no more endearing name
could be given to his Lord.
He is called "the chief Shepherd" by Peter in 1 Pet. 5:4; for Peter was looking for Him to appear, and he knew Him to be the chiefest among ten thousand. And Peter's longing may be fulfilled to-day. So live this day in the light, the hope, and the power of His appearing.
In John he is called "the good Shepherd." John 10:11. "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep." Then in the same chapter is given a description of what would really seem to be the sheepfold, when it is written, "They shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand." John 10:28.
What a resting-place that is! What security is there!
But the next verse increases the sweetness and power of the thought. "My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand." John 10:29. And it is as if the Father's hand had just been placed over us as we rest in the hand of Christ. This is indeed the sheepfold; and, if this is our place in the plan of God, then surely nothing can molest us or make us afraid.
But the next verse really increases the comfort of the thought, when Jesus says, "I and my Father are one." John 10:30. One in holding us out to the end. One in protecting us from danger and from harm. One in love toward us; for, having loved us, the love will be unto the end.
Granted the fact that yours is a life of discouragement, that everything in life seems to be against you. Every day may be a day of blessing, every hour an hour of victory, if but lived in the thought that Jehovah in His might is your shepherd, in sympathy, in love, and in helpfulness.
Suggestions for To-day.
1. It is the shepherd's business to lead his sheep to the place where
they may find food to eat and water to drink. Our Shepherd will
do this for you to-day.
2. But you must be most sensitive to His leadings. It would be well
to pause frequently to-day, and see whether He is really leading
you on.
3. Do not dare go through the day without feeding upon His word.
One verse may drive away the adversary of your soul. Stop often and
take a deep breath of the very life of God.
From The Secret of a Happy Day: Quiet Hour Meditations by J. Wilbur Chapman. Boston: United Society of Christian Endeavor, ©1899.
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