Wholesome Words 

The Secret of a Happy Day: Quiet Hour Meditations

by J. Wilbur Chapman (1859-1918)

Twenty-seventh Day: "Thou annointest my head with oil."
"Why anoint the head with oil? Ah! David has in mind a picture of the high priest in the sanctuary. In the most holy place of the tabernacle God revealed himself, but a curtain hung before it, and no one could pass that curtain and look upon God and live; but once a year, on the great day of atonement, it was the privilege of the high priest to pass within the veil, and stand in the presence of God. Just before the veil opened, and he passed in, his head must be anointed with oil. Oil is the symbol of the Holy Spirit. This anointing was the symbol of the Spirit's work preparing him to go in before God. It is written, 'Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord.' We are not yet ready to come face to face with God, but when the good Shepherd is leading us through the valley, and we come to heaven's gate, just before we pass in, the Holy Spirit will finish his work of sanctification, and we, by him, will be prepared to meet God. 'Thou anointest my head with oil.'"

Yet there is an anointing for the present time, which each may claim.

1. Oil to make the face shine. Ps. 104:15. It is not possible to come in touch with the Holy Ghost, and not reveal the fact in our lives.

2. The oil of gladness. Ps. 45:7. Satan cannot rob us of our life, but he may deprive us of our joy. It is the work of Christ to bring us to heaven, but it is the work of the Spirit to bring heaven to us now.

Suggestions for To-day.
1. Whatever your past experience may have been in Christ, claim a fresh anointing for today from the Holy Ghost.
2. Remember that every Christian is a priest, but he cannot execute the priestly office without unction, and hence we must go day by day to God the Holy Ghost, that we may have our heads anointed with oil.
3. Remember that a priest in touch with any dead thing could not execute his office. Ask yourself over and over today, "Is my heart right in the sight of God?"
4. Live for one day, at least, a separated life.

From The Secret of a Happy Day: Quiet Hour Meditations by J. Wilbur Chapman. Boston: United Society of Christian Endeavor, ©1899.

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