Wholesome Words 

The Secret of a Happy Day: Quiet Hour Meditations

by J. Wilbur Chapman (1859-1918)

Fifteenth Day: "He leadeth me."
There are certain ways by means of which we may surely detect the Lord's leadings.

His own example is an illustration. What did he do in circumstances so nearly like our own?

His instructions given his disciples in the Gospels may serve as guideposts for us, pointing out the way in which we should walk. The advice of a friend may be the very clearest teaching of God.

The preaching of a sermon or the singing of a hymn may open clearly the way.

Those inner promptings of the Spirit which come we know not how are as a rule the leadings of God.

And, if two of these agree, it is at least well to consider carefully whether this may not be God's call to walk in the way of his own choosing. However, Henry Drummond has said in his "Ideal Life," "Let it be remembered that it requires a well-kept life to will to do the will of God. It requires a well-kept life to do the will of God, and even a better-kept life to will to do his will. To be willing is a rarer grace than to be doing the will of God, For he who is willing may sometimes have nothing to do, and must only be willing to wait, and it is easier far to be doing God's will than to be willing to have nothing to do; it is easier far to be working for Christ than it is to be willing to cease. So there is nothing rarer in the world today than the truly willing soul, and there is nothing more worth coveting than the will to will God's will. There is no grander possession for any Christian life than the transparently simple mechanism of a sincerely obeying heart; and, if we could keep the machinery clear, there would be lives in thousands doing God's will on earth even as it is done in heaven."

"Father, I know that all my life
Is portioned out for me;
The changes that will surely come
I do not fear to see:
I ask thee for a present mind,
Intent on pleasing thee."

Suggestions for To-day.
1. Tell him that for to-day at least you are perfectly willing to be led.
2. Wait patiently before you move, that you may know whether he is really going in advance of you. Remember that much of the chafing and disappointment and fret of life have come because you were impatient and moved before the pillar of cloud led you.
3. Do not say, "I cannot know his will; I am stupid about it all." This matters little to Christ, even if it be true. If he cannot make you understand in one way, he will in another. It is the business of the Shepherd to lead the willing sheep aright.

From The Secret of a Happy Day: Quiet Hour Meditations by J. Wilbur Chapman. Boston: United Society of Christian Endeavor, ©1899.

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