Wholesome Words 
Christian Living

Witnessing and Winning

How can a Christian lead others to Christ? Winning souls to Jesus Christ is one of the greatest occupations in the world today (Proverbs 11:30). Although there are no hard and fast rules to insure success in this work, yet there are some general principles which will prove extremely valuable.

1. It is of first importance that the soul-winner himself be spiritually healthy. He must be constantly feeding on the Word. He must spend much time in prayer. He must be yielded to God. He must confess and abandon any cherished sins. By thus walking in the Spirit, the Christian will find that the Lord will provide opportunities for effectual witness. This is undoubtedly the Golden Rule of soul-winning—"Live close to God" (Matthew 4:19).

2. It is a good thing to start each day by asking God to lead us to those whom He wants us to contact. It is obvious that we cannot speak to everyone we see. It is also clear that we have no way of knowing by ourselves which souls are "ripe" for salvation. But if we let the Lord lead us, we will work more efficiently, and reap more fruit for Him.

3. Then during the day we should seize the opportunities to speak for Christ. When fellow-workers use the Name of the Lord in profanity, for instance, there is often opportunity for a tactful, loving word of testimony. Religious subjects often come up in conversation; we should make the most of them. Then again we do not always have to wait for opportunities: we can make them for ourselves. Worldly men talk freely about politics, the weather and sports. Why should our lips be sealed about Christ, our Redeemer?

4. Quote the Word of God as much as possible. It is a living Word! (Hebrews 4:12). It has power to reach souls far beyond any words we could ever utter. It is the Sword of the Spirit, and every good soldier of Jesus Christ should use this greatest of all weapons. Unsaved men will do everything in their power to stop you from reciting Scripture verses. But don't stop. If they say that they don't believe the Bible, quote more of it.

5. Follow up each contact. Not many persons are saved the first time they hear the Gospel. Usually they have to be spoken to again and again. Show little kindnesses to them. Hand them good Gospel literature. Invite them to attend Gospel meetings with you. Above all, be much in prayer for them. Do not be discouraged if some are hostile to you. Opposition is often a sign that they are being convicted by the Holy Spirit, whereas indifference is almost impossible to deal with.

6. Don't press for quick decisions. A false profession is not only worthless, but it may deceive the individual himself, and may do untold harm to the cause of Christ. You be faithful in sowing the seed, and God will be faithful in giving the increase.

7. If you find it difficult to speak to others about the Lord, tell the Lord about it and ask Him to give you strength and courage to witness for Him. If you really want it, He will give it.

8. Always carry a good supply of Gospel literature with you. You can not only pass tracts to those you meet, but can leave them on street cars or buses, in restaurants, or almost any public place.

The rewards of soul-winning are tremendous.

1. The present joys of leading a person to Christ are indescribable! (Luke 15:10).

2. How much greater will be the joy in heaven when someone greets you with these words, "It was you who invited me here!"

3. Finally, how incomparable will be the thrill when the Lord Jesus Christ openly confesses you before the assembled hosts of heaven (Matthew 10:32).

In view of this, let our constant prayer be:

Let me look on the crowd as my Saviour did,
Till my eyes with tears grow dim;
Let me view with pity the wandering sheep,
And love them for love of Him (Matthew 9:36).

From What Christians Believe: Basic Studies in Bible Doctrine and Christian Living by Alfred P. Gibbs... [et al.]; staff members of Emmaus Bible School. Chicago: Moody Press, 1951.

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