Wholesome Words 

Interesting Facts About the English Bible (KJV)

compiled by Stephen Ross

Entire Bible has  66 books
1189 chapters
31,102 verses
Old Testament has 39 books
929 chapters
23,145 verses
New Testament has 27 books
260 chapters
7957 verses
Number of different authors Over 40
First word "In" (Genesis 1:1)
Last word "Amen" (Revelation 22:21)
Longest word (and name) Mahershallalhashbaz (Isaiah 8:1 and 8:3)
Shortest verse "Jesus wept" (John 11:35)
Longest verse Esther 8:9
Verse containing all the letters of the alphabet except J Ezra 7:21
Verse containing all the letters of the alphabet except Q Daniel 4:37
Shortest chapter (number of words) Psalm 117
Longest chapter in Bible Psalm 119
Shortest book in Old Testament Obadiah (1 chapter, 21 verses, 669 words)
Shortest book in New Testament (number of words) 3 John (294 words, 14 verses); 2 John (298 words, 13 verses)
Longest book in Bible Psalms in the Old Testament
Longest book in New Testament Luke (the most verses and words)

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