Robert Moffat: Chronology of Events
compiled by Dorothy Ross, 2011

Robert MoffatRobert Moffat (1795-1883) was a Scottish pioneer missionary to South Africa who arrived in Cape Town in 1817. He opened mission stations in the interior, translated the Bible into the language of the Bechuanas, and wrote two missionary books on South Africa: Missionary Labours and Scenes in Southern Africa and Rivers of Water in a Dry Place. His oldest daughter Mary, married David Livingstone.
1795 Born at Ormiston, Scotland. (Dec 21)
1812 Worked as a gardener at Donibristle, Scotland.
1813 Employed as under-gardener at High Leigh, Cheshire, England.
Converted to Christ.
1816 Sailed for South Africa. (Oct)
1817 Arrived in Cape Town, Africa. (Jan 13)
1819 Married Miss Mary Smith. (Dec 27)
1820 Settled in Kuruman, Bechuanaland, home for next 50 years.
1838 New Testament translated into Bechuana language.
1839 Returned to England on furlough.
1840 David Livingstone was called by Moffat.
1842 Missionary Labours and Scenes in Southern Africa published.
1845 Moffat officiated at wedding of daughter Mary and David Livingstone. (Jan)
1844 Moffat was back in South Africa.
1857 Finished translation of entire Bible in Sechuana.
1859 Moffat opened a new station in Inyati.
1862 42 year old daughter Mary Livingstone died.
1870 Returned to England because of failing health.
1871 Mrs. Moffat died.
1883 Died at Leigh, England. (Aug 8)
Buried in Norwood Cemetery.

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