echoes from glory
Bob Jones Sr. Chapel Quotations
• It is a sin to do less than your best.
• The door to the room of success swings on the hinges of opposition.
• The two biggest little words in the English language are the two little words "do right."
• It is one thing to know there is a God; it's another thing to know the God that is.
• A man is a fool who leans on the arm of flesh when he can be supported by the arm of Omnipotence.
• What you love and what you hate reveal what you are.
• Jesus never taught men how to make a living; He taught men how to live.
• Do not ask God to give you a light burden; ask Him to give you strong shoulders to carry a heavy burden.
• It is better to die for something than to live for nothing.
• A Christian does good deeds, but just doing good deeds does not make a man a Christian.
• Your character is what God knows you to be; your reputation is what men think you are.
• You and God make a majority in your community.
• True success is finding God's will for your life and doing it. Being faithful is being successful.
• It is never right to do wrong in order to get a chance to do right.
• Jesus said that He would be in the midst of two or three gathered in His name, but this does not mean that our Lord does not like to have a larger crowd.
• It is no disgrace to fail; it is a disgrace to do less than your best to keep from failing.
• The religions of the world say, "do and live." The religion of the Bible says, "live and do."
• God will not do for you what He has given you strength to do for yourself.
• Dying men have said, "I am sorry I have been an atheist, an infidel, an agnostic, a skeptic, or a sinner"; but no man ever said with his last breath, "I am sorry I have lived a Christian life."
• The drunkard in the ditch has gone to the dogs. According to the Bible, the self-righteous man who thinks he doesn't need God has gone to the Devil.
• When I was fourteen years old, I knelt by my dying mother's bed. She
smiled at me through the death shadow on her face and said she was going
Home. She asked me to meet her in Heaven, and I gave her my promise.
Her body sleeps in a lonely cemetery in the state of Alabama. As I have
sat by her grave and listened to a funeral dirge played by the wind in
the pine trees nearby, I have said, "Mother, I will see you again
Some people say I am dreaming. If I am, don't wake me. If this world were all, I would
want my Christian faith. My faith hangs a rainbow of hope over the dust of my beloved
ones and kindles a smile on the brow of my bereavement. This world is not all. There is
a God. There is a Heaven. There is a Hell. I am playing a safe game. If there were only
one world, I have already won. Since there is an afterlife, I win for two worlds. You don't
have to take any chances with your soul. Don' take any.