Wholesome Words 
Quotes & Notes

echoes from glory
Harry A. Ironside Quotations

H A Ironside• The servant is nothing, but God is everything.

• We need to realize that in all things our first duty and responsibility is to God Himself.

• It is more important that God be glorified then that I accomplish certain things in the line of service.

• Christianity is not just repeating John 3:16 or Acts 16:31; it is yielding the heart and the life to Christ.

• You could not be saved through any effort of your own, but now that you are saved it is necessary for you to put forward every effort you can to glorify Him.

• No sacrifice should be too great for Him who gave Himself for us.

• The Christian is called out from the world. His life is not to be as the lives of those about him.

• The strength of the Christian is in his separation from the world and his devotion to Christ.

• It is not only that sin consists in doing evil, but in not doing the good that we know.

• The greatest mistake any Christian can make is to substitute his own will for the will of God.

• Pride is a barrier to all spiritual progress.

• Truth alone will not preserve if there be not corresponding exercise as to living in its power, and being controlled thereby.

• Real worship is that of the heart...

• The testimony of the lips indicates the state of the heart.

• If lips and life do not agree, the testimony will not amount to much.

• Nothing is sadder than profession without possession.

• ...Jesus Christ is not a problem, He is the solution to every problem for life, for death, and for eternity.

• I am not a sinner because I sin; I sin because I am a sinner.

• The Gospel is not good advice to be obeyed, it is good news to be believed.

• It must be Christ or hell, and to neglect the one is but to choose the other.

• Light obeyed, results in greater light.

• Mark you, the only way to go on with God is by being faithful in little things.

• It is not so much looking for and learning new truth that will bless and deliver the saints fo God, as testing our ways by the truth already committed to us and seeking to walk in the reality of it.

• "Where He leads me, I will follow," but don't start and ask Him to tag along.

• Your character is what God knows you to be; your reputation is what men think you are.

• It is no disgrace to fail; it is a disgrace to do less than your best to keep from failing.

• God will not do for you what He has given you strength to do for yourself.

• God does not permit even one thing to happen to us without a divine and wise purpose...

• Is it not a shame, a crying shame, that it should ever be true of saints going to heaven, that they are unconcerned about sinner's going to hell?

• The testimony of the lips indicates the state of the heart.

• It is so easy to hear with the outward ear, but fail to receive the truth in the heart.

• No sacrifice should be too great for Him who gave Himself for us.

• I am not a sinner because I sin; I sin because I am a sinner.

• God's Word is the standard of judgment, not my knowledge of it.

• It is the blood of Christ that makes us safe and the Word of God that makes us sure.

• It must be Christ or hell, and to neglect the one is but to choose the other.

• Real worship is that of the heart.

• Pride is a barrier to all spiritual progress.

• The greatest mistake any Christian can make is to subsitute is own will for the will of God.

• The strength of the Christian is in his separation from the world and his devotion to Christ.

• Grace is the very opposite of merit. Grace is not only undeserved favor, but it is favor shown to one who has deserved the very opposite.

• Jesus Christ is not a problem; He is the solution to every problem for life, for death and for all eternity.

• We need to realize that in all things our first duty and responsibility is to God Himself.

• Christianity is not just repeating John 3:16 or Acts 16:31; it is yielding the heart and the life to Christ.

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