Sankey Still Sings
by Charles Ludwig

  Biography in Brief of Ira Sankey
1840 Born August 28, at Edinburg, Pennsylvania
1846 Moved to Western Reserve Harbor
1856 Converted in revival meeting at King's Chapel
1857 Moved to New Castle
1857 Elected Sunday-school superintendent of the First Methodist Church in New Castle, and leader of the choir
1860 Enlisted in the army after call by President Lincoln
1863 Married Fanny V. Edwards on September 9
1867 Elected secretary, then president, of local Y.M.C.A
1870 Was sent as a delegate to the Y.M.C.A. at Indianapolis, Indiana, and met D. L. Moody
1871 Joined Moody in Chicago
1872 Filled with the Holy Spirit
1873-5 First extended mission to the British Isles
1881-4 Second extended mission to the British Isles
1885 Gift of $40,000 Y.M.C.A. to the city of New Castle
1891-2 Third extended mission to the British Isles
1898 Visit to the Holy Land
1899 Farewell trip to England
1903 Loss of eyesight
1908 Death, August 14
  From Sankey Still Sings by Charles Ludwig. Anderson, IN: The Warner Press, 1947.

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