Walter L. Wilson: Chronology of Events
compiled by Stephen Ross, 2012

Walter L WilsonWalter L. Wilson, M.D. (1881-1969) was an American medical doctor, salesman, businessman, preacher, and soul-winner. He recorded many of his remarkable experiences in a series of books to instruct and encourage others in the great work of spreading the Gospel. Contemporary of Harry Ironside, M. R. DeHaan, L. S. Chafer, and Oswald J. Smith.
1881 Born in Aurora, Indiana, United States (May 27).
1896 Converted to Christ at age of 15.
1899-1904 Graduated from high school.
Attended University Medical College of Kansas City; because he was color blind, had to take additional year of training at Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago.
Worked part-time in tent-making business of future father-in-law.
1904 Married Marion Baker (Jan 6).
Received medical degree and license.
Begins medical career in Webb City, Missouri.
1905 Returned to Kansas City, Missouri, at request of his seriously ill father-in-law and went into tent-making business full-time; part-time doctor.
1920 Helped organize Central Bible Hall (name changed to Central Bible Church), in Kansas City, Missouri, and served as pastor, 1920-1961.
1924 Began radio program at WOQ in Kansas City, and later WDAF, Kansas City which lasted about 15 years until 1938.
1932 Co-founded and first president of Kansas City Bible Institute (name changed to Kansas City Bible College in 1935).
1948 Helped start Flagstaff Mission to the Navajo in southwestern United States.
1961 Midwest Bible College and Kansas City Bible College merged to form Calvary Bible College; served as president, 1938-1945.
1962 Mrs. Marion Wilson dies (Sept 25).
1964 Dr. Wilson married Ruth Selders (Jan 10).
1969 Dr. Wilson suffered a stroke and died in Kansas City, Missouri (May 24).

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