Gipsy Smith — Biographies and Information

Gipsy SmithRodney "Gipsy" Smith (1860-1947) was an English evangelist who made over forty evangelistic trips abroad to such countries as the United States, Australia and South Africa.

Marriage and Family:
Mrs. SmithAnnie Pennock Smith: Married Gipsy Smith, December 17, 1879. They had three children: two sons, Albany Rodney, the eldest, born December 31, 1880, and Alfred Hanley, born August 5, 1882; and one daughter, Rhoda Zillah, born February 1, 1884. Annie Smith died in 1937 at the age of 79. After her death, Gipsy married Mary Alice Shaw, June 2, 1938.

Recommended Book:
Gipsy Smith, from the Forest I Came by David Lazell. North American ed. Chicago: Moody Press, ©1973. ISBN 0802429599. British ed. published 1970.
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